Ubuntu GNOME 17.04 -> Ubuntu 17.10 upgrade?

Yes and No. No, this requires a specific 'yes I want to do the upgrade'. But yes, if you perform the upgrade, you will be upgraded to Ubuntu 17.10. There will be no Ubuntu-Gnome 17.10. See this blog post. If you are already using Ubuntu-Gnome 17.04, there are several guides about how to do this, and the basics are:

  1. Disable/remove all third party repositories.
  2. Run: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
  3. Reboot.
  4. Run: sudo do-release-upgrade
  5. Reinstall any needed third party repositories.

EDIT: removed -d after do-release-upgrade

The other answers on this thread are very old and were written based on outdated information. We now know thanks to a blog post on the Ubuntu GNOME blog that after 17.04 there will no longer be two separate Ubuntu flavors.

According to that post:

Next year, if you are using either Ubuntu 16.04 LTS or Ubuntu GNOME 16.04 LTS, you will be prompted to upgrade to Ubuntu 18.04 LTS. For normal release users, this upgrade should happen with the release of 17.10.

Meaning that users of both Ubuntu and Ubuntu GNOME will be placed into the same upgrade path.

Unity will be discontinued, gnome will be the default desktop in 17.10 and on. Announcement from Canonical. And just as Charles said, updates will be like normal, with user input required.