Installing and using universal-ctags instead of exuberant-ctags

How could I switch from exuberant-ctags to universal-ctags. I am using Ubuntu 16.04 LTS and

ctags --version reports

Exuberant Ctags 5.9~svn20110310, Copyright (C) 1996-2009 Darren Hiebert

Solution 1:

It is simple, as in the universal-ctags docs:

git clone
cd ctags
sudo make install

Solution 2:

I'm on Ubuntu 19.04, and for me I can use either:

sudo apt install universal-ctags


sudo snap install universal-ctags

The snap tracks a newer version of universal-ctags (snap=2019-10, apt=2018-12), but the snap is currently missing a few important features due to the default isolation of snaps. (For example, reading from config files at ~/.ctags.d/*.ctags.) I intend to fix the snap in the near future.