Cheapest way to get Xbox 360 online wirelessly [closed]

I have an Xbox 360 and am looking to move it far enough away from my router that plugging it in with a LAN cable isn't really feasible anymore.

What's the cheapest way for me to get it online wirelessly? The wireless adaptors for Xbox strike me as being ridiculously expensive for what they are. (Upwards of $60 in most cases.)

I have a media center PC that is running on wireless right next to the Xbox, that I could chain off of, but I saw in a few searches that people were saying that messed up their Xboxes.

My other option is probably some kind of wireless bridge.

What's my best bet for this?

Solution 1:

FWIW, here's the little wireless adapter that's been working for us for about a year - a little cheaper, easy to set up, no hassles. Not sure I'd have the patience to boot & attach the laptop every time I wanted to use the xbox.

Solution 2:

You should be able to do this for free. Follow the instructions here:

  • How can I connect my Xbox 360 to Xbox Live through my Laptop?

The instructions are for how to use a wifi laptop as a wireless adapter for the XBox, but they should work for your media center PC as well.