How do I fix (or remap) the keys in the inventory screen?
I recently upgraded my 10 year old video adapter, and decided to have a go at Skyrim again - this time the Special Edition. All was nice until I noticed a problem - I like to remap a few of the keys because... I'm just used to that. For example, I use F for holstering/unholstering weapons; and I use E for shouting.
The problem is in the inventory/loot screen - not only does it use some totally unrelated keys, the on-screen keyboard hints don't even reflect the proper keys.
For example, the key to favorite items is the same as the one for "Toggle First/Third person view". It defaults to F, but I've remapped it to T. However, the inventory screen still shows F as the shortcut for favoriting things - even though I actually need to press T instead, and pressing F drops the item.
This is annoying as hell. The best thing would be if I could use a separate keymapping for the inventory screen, because I'm used to the defaults being used there, however, I'd also settle for it simply showing the right keys - at least it would remind me what to press.
Unfortunately I haven't been able to find a mod that would to that. I don't know if I simply haven't tried the right keywords in Google, or if such a mod is impossible. Does anyone know anything about this?
I know I'm not the first one with this problem - forum topics about it are plenty, but none of them actually offer a fix - just explain the problem to confused players who find themselves unable to work with their inventories.
Have you tried Keyboard Remap Fix?
Alternatively, you might want to look into this mod: Interface Hard Coded Key Tweaks. This one seems especially appropriate in your situation.
Even though these mods are created for the old Skyrim, they might work fine for the Special Edition.