Browsing files via Bluetooth doesn't work

the problem is probably in some kernel/gvfs changes that caused regression in bluetooth operation.

A workaround that has been posted in some places is to manually mount devices via the OBEX filesystem, as follows:

  • sudo apt-get install obexfs (only needed once)
  • hcitool scan -- will return list of bluetooth devices with their addresses, looking like 8F:77:...:16
  • have a directory ready to mount device onto, e.g. ~/Device
  • obexfs -b 8F:77:..:16 /Device

Then, the device's files can be browsed over bluetooth under the Device folder.

To unmount when finished with browsing the device, use

  • fusermount -u ~/Device

My guess is that the problem will be corrected in some not-so-distant update.

Premek Brada is Right...

Look here too:

Try to restart bluetooth with

sudo service bluetooth restart