large tmpfs /run partition - must it be so big?

I am running Ubuntu 11.10 desktop on a couple of 8G RAM Wintel boxes. Both have been created automatically by the default installer with a 1.6GB tmpfs /run partition, where I suspect this amount of RAM could be more usefully used elsewhere in the system. I suspect that the installer takes 20% as the default, which is probably OK for boxes with lots less RAM, but seems overkill for an 8GB system. My question is - can I change its size, if so, how, and what are the risks in doing so?

The /run partition does not appear in the /etc/fstab file so it must be set up elsewhere.

The size of a tmpfs partition is its maximum size. Only the part that's actually used takes up virtual memory (RAM or swap). Making the maximum size smaller will not save any memory.

It's unlikely that /run will take up more than a few megabytes. On the other hand, there's zero advantage to reducing the maximum size.

The non-disk filesystems used by the system (/dev, /proc, /sys, /run and a few others) are created by boot scripts in /etc/init and /etc/init.d. Don't edit those files unless you know exactly what you're doing.