What is the difference between class_eval, class_exec, module_eval and module_exec?

Solution 1:

I'm going to answer a bit more than your question by including instance_{eval|exec} in your question.

All variations of {instance|module|class}_{eval|exec} change the current context, i.e. the value for self:

class Array
  p self                     # prints "Array"
  43.instance_eval{ p self } # prints "43"

Now for the differences. The eval versions accepts a string or a block, while the exec versions only accept a block but allow you to pass parameters to it:

def example(&block)
  42.instance_exec("Hello", &block)
example{|mess| p mess, self } # Prints "Hello" then "42"

The eval version does not allow to pass parameters. It provides self as the first parameter, although I can't think of a use for this.

Finally, module_{eval|exec} is the same as the corresponding class_{eval|exec}, but they are slightly different from instance_{eval|exec} as they change what is the current opened class (i.e. what will be affected by def) in different ways:

String.instance_eval{ def foo; end }
Integer.class_eval  { def bar; end }

String.method_defined?(:foo)            # => false
String.singleton_methods.include?(:foo) # => true
Integer.method_defined?(:bar)           # => true

So obj.instance_{eval|exec} opens the singleton class of obj, while mod.{class|module}_{eval|exec} opens mod itself.

Of course, instance_{eval|exec} are available on any Ruby object (including modules), while {class|module}_* are only available on Module (and thus Classes)

Solution 2:

To answer your last question first, eval (in all its variations) is completely different from exec. exec $command will start a new process to run the command you specify and then exit when that finishes.

class_eval and module_eval have the power to redefine classes and modules -- even those that you yourself did not write. For example, you might use class eval to add a new method that did not exist.

Fixnum.class_eval { def number; self; end }
7.number # returns '7'

class_eval can be used to add instance methods, and instance_eval can be used to add class methods (yes, that part is very confusing). A class method would be something like Thing.foo -- you're literally calling the foo method on the Thing class. An instance method is like the example above, using class_eval I've added a number method to every instance of Fixnum.

Okay, so that's the *_eval class of methods. The exec methods are similar, but they allow you to look inside a class and execute a block of code as though it was defined as a method on that class. Perhaps you have a class that looks like this:

class Foo
  @@secret = 'secret key'
  @@protected = 'some secret value'
  def protected(key)
    if key == @@secret
       return @@protected

The class Foo is just a wrapper around some secret value, if you know the correct key. However, you could trick the class into giving you its secrets by executing a block inside the context of the class like so:

Foo.class_exec { @@secret = 'i'm a hacker' }
Foo.protected('i'm a hacker') #returns the value of @@protected because we overwrote @@secret

In general, with a lot of the tools in ruby, you could use any of these to solve a lot of problems. A lot of the time you probably won't even need to unless you want to monkey patch a class some library you use has defined (although that opens up a whole can of worms). Try playing around with them in irb and see which you find easier. I personally don't use the *_exec methods as much as the *_eval methods, but that's a personal preference of mine.