How to disable cache in android webview?

In my android webview my webpage is loading even without internet because of cache, so i want to disable cache in android webview, can anyone help me how to do this?

I am using following lines in my webview, but still i am not able to disable cache.


Please suggest me if there are some other methods

Please add below code


Please remove app from history task and test its working.

Just after creating your webview, before loading any pages, you can clear the cache.

myBrowser.clearCache(true) - the boolean indicates if you wish to delete the cached files on disk as well.

The documentation is here if you wish to dig further.

I had the same problem. Even though I had the below two lines, my webview was still loading old data.

webview.getSettings().setAppCacheEnabled(false); webview.getSettings().setCacheMode(WebSettings.LOAD_NO_CACHE);

My mistake was, i had this cache related settings after I called the loadUrl() on webview. After I moved these cache settings ahead of loadUrl(), i had everything working as expected.