Enable SSH keys on startup in KeePass with KeeAgent plugin

I am using KeePass with the KeeAgent plugin.

I want to log into systems using PuTTY without typing my password (but having an encrypted id_rsa file).

I have it configured to the point that if I do this:

  1. Start a SSH session using putty and note that I need a password.
  2. start keepass
  3. Tools -> KeyAgent -> Add -> From File -> .ssh/id_rsa -> enter password.
  4. Start an SSH session using putty and note that I login without typing password.

But if I stop and start KeePass, the putty session requires a password again.

I would like my id_rsa loaded into KeeAgent automatically when keepass starts.

I would expect that when I type my password for KeePass, that it would load the id_rsa file without prompting me for an additional password. I am okay with KeePass storing the id_rsa password.

Solution 1:

To do so you need a KeePass entry with the private key file attached and allow KeeAgent to use this entry.

  • Create a new entry
  • Go to the Advanced tab and add your private key as an attachment

    enter image description here

  • Go to the KeeAgent tab and check "Allow KeeAgent to use this entry"

    enter image description here

  • Select the key file from the "Private Key File Location" dropdown

  • Save and close the entry
  • Now open ToolsKeeAgent from the menu and select AddFrom KeePass

    enter image description here

This should add the key automatically every time you unlock your database.