Default 17.04 swap file location

Solution 1:

2 commands:

~$ cat /proc/swaps
Filename                Type        Size    Used    Priority
/swapfile                               file        2097148 0   -1


$ grep swap /etc/fstab
/swapfile                                 none            swap    sw              0       0

So both point to:

$ cd / && ls -l swapfile
-rw------- 1 root root 2147483648 apr  2 18:56 swapfile

Disable and remove:

sudo swapoff /swapfile
sudo rm /swapfile

Create a 2Gb swapfile, set permissions, format it as swap and enable it:

sudo fallocate -l 2g /swapfile
sudo chmod 600 /swapfile
sudo mkswap /swapfile
sudo swapon /swapfile