How to disable notification from network-manager

Can i disable all libnotify related notification from Network Manager ? 'Edit Connection' dialog doesn't help out

12.10 - Dconf

Run these commands:

gsettings set org.gnome.nm-applet disable-disconnected-notifications "true"
gsettings set org.gnome.nm-applet disable-connected-notifications "true"

Or open dconf-editor and scroll down to orggnomenm-applet and check disable-connected-notifications and disable-disconnected-notifications settings there.


11.10 and 12.04 - Gconf

Gconf-editor lets you edit the network manager notifications.

To alter these settings, install gconf-editor from the software-center.

Scroll to / ▸ apps ▸ nm-applet and check disable-connected-notifications and disable-disconnected-notifications settings there. Check the attached image for clarifications.

gconf editor

In addition to jokerdino's way, you can change this in commandline too:

gconftool -s /apps/nm-applet/disable-disconnected-notifications --type=bool true
gconftool -s /apps/nm-applet/disable-connected-notifications --type=bool true

To see what can be changed:

gconftool -R /apps/nm-applet