How can I add a boolean value to a NSDictionary?

Well, for integers I would use NSNumber. But YES and NO aren't objects, I guess. A.f.a.i.k. I can only add objects to an NSDictionary, right?

I couldn't find any wrapper class for booleans. Is there any?

Solution 1:

You use NSNumber.

It has init... and number... methods that take booleans, just as it does integers and so on.

From the NSNumber class reference:

// Creates and returns an NSNumber object containing a 
// given value, treating it as a BOOL.
+ (NSNumber *)numberWithBool:(BOOL)value


// Returns an NSNumber object initialized to contain a
// given value, treated as a BOOL.
- (id)initWithBool:(BOOL)value


// Returns the receiver’s value as a BOOL.
- (BOOL)boolValue

Solution 2:

The new syntax since Apple LLVM Compiler 4.0

dictionary[@"key1"] = @(boolValue);
dictionary[@"key2"] = @YES;

The syntax converts BOOL to NSNumber, which is acceptable to NSDictionary.

Solution 3:

If you are declaring it as a literal and you are using clang v3.1 or above, you should use @NO / @YES if you are declaring it as a literal. E.g.

NSMutableDictionary* foo = [@{ @"key": @NO } mutableCopy];
foo[@"bar"] = @YES;

For more info on that: