How do I extract a list of services AND what account they run as?
Solution 1:
Name and account for all services:wmic service get name,startname
started services only:wmic service where started=true get name, startname
services with specific pattern in name:wmic service where 'name like "%sql%"' get name, startname
nicely formatted as html table (and then opened in your browser):(wmic service where 'name like "%sql%"' get name, startname /format:htable >out.html) && out.html
Full syntax here:
Solution 2:
You can accomplish this in two steps:
- Get the list of services:
sc \\localhost query | findstr SERVICE_NAME
- Your missing piece:
sc \\localhost qc
I would recommend a batch script like this:
@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
sc \\localhost query | findstr SERVICE_NAME > services.lst
for /f "tokens=1,2" %%A in (services.lst) do (
echo %%B
sc \\localhost qc %%B | findstr SERVICE_START_NAME
del services.lst
That gives you an output like this:
Of course, you can further cleanup that output or write to a CSV file in any manner that you would like.
Solution 3:
CMD has no native way to do it. SC and NET are built-in applications that come with Windows but that doesn't mean they're native. At any time an admin can remove them and then even CMD is left in the dark.
sc sdshow is what will get you security descriptors, but this will complicate things if you don't know how to read SDDL strings.
Simplest way is to get Sysinternals PsService.exe from Tools package and use it as psservice security [service]. It will list the SDDL in readable format, including account names.
Solution 4:
Although you can't use PowerShell you should still be able to use VBScript to pull the info from WMI:
Here's a VBS script that will list all services and the account they start as:
strComputer = "."
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" & "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")
Set colServices = objWMIService.ExecQuery ("Select * from Win32_Service")
For Each objService in colServices
wscript.echo objService.Name & ": " & objService.StartName
Save it and then run it with cscript ScriptName.vbs
would give you the service's current state (since you mentioned you're looking to filter by it).
More info on the Win32_Service class.