Linux command line log viewer which allows auto tail AND searching?

Solution 1:

You can run less +F filename in order to view file in tail -f fashion.

You can press Shift+F while viewing file in less to switch to forwarding mode, and Ctrl+C to leave this mode.

Solution 2:

From less -help:

F Forward forever; like "tail -f".

so presumably less +F /var/log/messages

Solution 3:

Nicolai's answer is probably closest to what you asked for, but have you thought about using tmux?

In my tmux sessions, I like to tail -f logs, then simply enter tmux's copy mode to search up and down exactly like searching in less, then exit copy mode to find my tail -f still going.

Create a tmux session:


Tail the log file and the last 1000 lines to start:

tail -f -n1000 /var/log/syslog

Enter copy mode using the leader key and a left bracket:

[ctrl+leader] + [

the default tmux leader key is the letter b, so for example:

[ctrl+b] [

Now you can scroll and search up and down just like in less.

Exit copy mode to return to your tail -f with:


Bonus material: Open a second terminal prompt:

[ctrl+leader] + c

Switch between the two terminal prompts:

[ctrl+leader] + l