Eclipse IDE view gone - how to get it back

I basically have multiple monitors and did some changes today. As such, the views on one of my monitors (specifically the console view) is no longer there. I can't seem to find a way to get it back.

The console view appears in Window -> Open view, and this menu option moves focus from the other open views, but the console view does not appear on screen. This probably means it's positioned outside of the monitors...

How can I get the view back?

two option:

window -> New Window         //Opens with no editors, but preserves views layout
window -> reset perspective  //Keep editors, but resets layout view

If i understood your description correctly - you'll get what you want.

I managed to return my gone view without resetting the perspective!
I opened workspace/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.e4.workbench/workbench.xmi, searched for "outline" there (the view was Outline) and found it (precisely org.eclipse.ui.views.ContentOutline) inside a children tag which had an attribute visible="false". I removed that attribute and also <tags>Minimized</tags> inside the children tag, saved the file, started Eclipse, and that was it, my view returned!

Use CTL+F7 to cycle through the Eclipse Views, select one that is on the hidden detached view group, then press ALT+<space>, M and use the keyboard arrows to position this window onto your active screen.