Vue.js 2: Delete property from data object

How can you delete a property/key from a Vue.js data object (i.e. associative array) like this:

var vm = new Vue({
    data: {
        users: {
            foo : { firstName: ..., lastName: ... },
            bar : { firstName: ..., lastName: ... }
    methods: {
        someFunction : function ()
            // how to remove ``?

Googling around, I found these two ways, but both don't work:

  • delete; is not updating the DOM
  • this.users.splice('foo', 1); is not working at all (probably only works on arrays, not on objects)

The answer is:

Vue.delete(users, 'foo');

It took me a while to find it, that's why I'm posting it here ;-)

It's important to know that vm.$delete is a alias for Vue.delete and if you try something like this.delete() you will get a error. So in your example the answer would be:

this.$delete(this.users, 'foo')


vm.$delete(vm.users, 'foo')