When do Java generics require <? extends T> instead of <T> and is there any downside of switching?

First - I have to direct you to http://www.angelikalanger.com/GenericsFAQ/JavaGenericsFAQ.html -- she does an amazing job.

The basic idea is that you use

<T extends SomeClass>

when the actual parameter can be SomeClass or any subtype of it.

In your example,

Map<String, Class<? extends Serializable>> expected = null;
Map<String, Class<java.util.Date>> result = null;
assertThat(result, is(expected));

You're saying that expected can contain Class objects that represent any class that implements Serializable. Your result map says it can only hold Date class objects.

When you pass in result, you're setting T to exactly Map of String to Date class objects, which doesn't match Map of String to anything that's Serializable.

One thing to check -- are you sure you want Class<Date> and not Date? A map of String to Class<Date> doesn't sound terribly useful in general (all it can hold is Date.class as values rather than instances of Date)

As for genericizing assertThat, the idea is that the method can ensure that a Matcher that fits the result type is passed in.

Thanks to everyone who answered the question, it really helped clarify things for me. In the end Scott Stanchfield's answer got the closest to how I ended up understanding it, but since I didn't understand him when he first wrote it, I am trying to restate the problem so that hopefully someone else will benefit.

I'm going to restate the question in terms of List, since it has only one generic parameter and that will make it easier to understand.

The purpose of the parametrized class (such as List<Date> or Map<K, V> as in the example) is to force a downcast and to have the compiler guarantee that this is safe (no runtime exceptions).

Consider the case of List. The essence of my question is why a method that takes a type T and a List won't accept a List of something further down the chain of inheritance than T. Consider this contrived example:

List<java.util.Date> dateList = new ArrayList<java.util.Date>();
Serializable s = new String();
addGeneric(s, dateList);

private <T> void addGeneric(T element, List<T> list) {

This will not compile, because the list parameter is a list of dates, not a list of strings. Generics would not be very useful if this did compile.

The same thing applies to a Map<String, Class<? extends Serializable>> It is not the same thing as a Map<String, Class<java.util.Date>>. They are not covariant, so if I wanted to take a value from the map containing date classes and put it into the map containing serializable elements, that is fine, but a method signature that says:

private <T> void genericAdd(T value, List<T> list)

Wants to be able to do both:

T x = list.get(0);



In this case, even though the junit method doesn't actually care about these things, the method signature requires the covariance, which it is not getting, therefore it does not compile.

On the second question,

Matcher<? extends T>

Would have the downside of really accepting anything when T is an Object, which is not the APIs intent. The intent is to statically ensure that the matcher matches the actual object, and there is no way to exclude Object from that calculation.

The answer to the third question is that nothing would be lost, in terms of unchecked functionality (there would be no unsafe typecasting within the JUnit API if this method was not genericized), but they are trying to accomplish something else - statically ensure that the two parameters are likely to match.

EDIT (after further contemplation and experience):

One of the big issues with the assertThat method signature is attempts to equate a variable T with a generic parameter of T. That doesn't work, because they are not covariant. So for example you may have a T which is a List<String> but then pass a match that the compiler works out to Matcher<ArrayList<T>>. Now if it wasn't a type parameter, things would be fine, because List and ArrayList are covariant, but since Generics, as far as the compiler is concerned require ArrayList, it can't tolerate a List for reasons that I hope are clear from the above.