How to execute XPath one-liners from shell?

Is there a package out there, for Ubuntu and/or CentOS, that has a command-line tool that can execute an XPath one-liner like foo //element@attribute filename.xml or foo //element@attribute < filename.xml and return the results line by line?

I'm looking for something that would allow me to just apt-get install foo or yum install foo and then just works out-of-the-box, no wrappers or other adaptation necessary.

Here are some examples of things that come close:

Nokogiri. If I write this wrapper I could call the wrapper in the way described above:


require 'nokogiri'

Nokogiri::XML(STDIN).xpath(ARGV[0]).each do |row|
  puts row

XML::XPath. Would work with this wrapper:


use strict;
use warnings;
use XML::XPath;

my $root = XML::XPath->new(ioref => 'STDIN');
for my $node ($root->find($ARGV[0])->get_nodelist) {
  print($node->getData, "\n");

xpath from XML::XPath returns too much noise, -- NODE -- and attribute = "value".

xml_grep from XML::Twig cannot handle expressions that do not return elements, so cannot be used to extract attribute values without further processing.


echo cat //element/@attribute | xmllint --shell filename.xml returns noise similar to xpath.

xmllint --xpath //element/@attribute filename.xml returns attribute = "value".

xmllint --xpath 'string(//element/@attribute)' filename.xml returns what I want, but only for the first match.

For another solution almost satisfying the question, here is an XSLT that can be used to evaluate arbitrary XPath expressions (requires dyn:evaluate support in the XSLT processor):

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="" version="1.0"
    xmlns:dyn="" extension-element-prefixes="dyn">
  <xsl:output omit-xml-declaration="yes" indent="no" method="text"/>
  <xsl:template match="/">
    <xsl:for-each select="dyn:evaluate($pattern)">
      <xsl:value-of select="dyn:evaluate($value)"/>
      <xsl:value-of select="'&#10;'"/>

Run with xsltproc --stringparam pattern //element/@attribute --stringparam value . arbitrary-xpath.xslt filename.xml.

Solution 1:

You should try these tools :

  • xmlstarlet : can edit, select, transform... Not installed by default, xpath1
  • xmllint : often installed by default with libxml2-utils, xpath1 (check my wrapper to have --xpath switch on very old releases and newlines delimited output (v < 2.9.9)
  • xpath : installed via perl's module XML::XPath, xpath1
  • xml_grep : installed via perl's module XML::Twig, xpath1 (limited xpath usage)
  • xidel: xpath3
  • saxon-lint : my own project, wrapper over @Michael Kay's Saxon-HE Java library, xpath3

xmllint comes with libxml2-utils (can be used as interactive shell with the --shell switch)

xmlstarlet is xmlstarlet.

xpath comes with perl's module XML::Xpath

xml_grep comes with perl's module XML::Twig

xidel is xidel

saxon-lint using SaxonHE 9.6 ,XPath 3.x (+retro compatibility)

Ex :

xmllint --xpath '//element/@attribute' file.xml
xmlstarlet sel -t -v "//element/@attribute" file.xml
xpath -q -e '//element/@attribute' file.xml
xidel -se '//element/@attribute' file.xml
saxon-lint --xpath '//element/@attribute' file.xml
  • xmlstarlet page
  • man xmllint
  • xpath page
  • xml_grep
  • xidel
  • saxon-lint


Solution 2:

You can also try my Xidel. It is not in a package in the repository, but you can just download it from the webpage (it has no dependencies).

It has simple syntax for this task:

xidel filename.xml -e '//element/@attribute' 

And it is one of the rare of these tools that supports XPath 2.