how to report some illegal website to FBI or crime department [closed]

I asked this question on stackoverflow and they suggested this

I dont know whether i can ask this question here or not

I am finding many web forums supportingstealing of personal info like creditcards and they selling at 2$ each and thye making gift vouchers of main auction websites and selling them 500$ at 10$ (these guys looping people hardwork )

where can i report these type of sites if i found in internet ?

can anyone please tell me exactly where can i report



Here is a site setup specifically for reporting internet fraud. The thing is while a country's various police departments have the knowledge and capability to route complaints to the the country / department with jurisdiction, at least some time and effort must be spent on any investigation. The rub then is do they think the fraud / crime being committed is costing enough people enough money to spend any of their resources pursuing it. They are likely to agree that there is a crime being committed, but that it simply does not rise to a level that warrants investigation.

It's very difficult. The internet is a world-wide thing, so reporting, say, The Pirate Bay to the FBI is useless, as it's not under their juristiction. The first step, then, would be to find out where the server is located*, and after making sure such actions are illegal in that country, reporting it to the relevent body.

*I've always used the first tool to turn up in a google search, like this.