Configuring a MySQL 5.1 Instance on Windows 7 Professional x64 Fails

i had this problem after un-installing and re-installing. during the MSI install, when it asks for the root password - check to see if it's asking for 'old password' in addition to a new one. If so, this is an indicator that there are old database files kicking around. I found my db-files in C:\ProgramData\MySQL. Uninstall MYSQL, nuke this directory (assuming you don't care about the database) and then re-install and you'll be good.

Try right-clicking on the msi and choosing "Run as Administrator". Remember that starting with windows Vista you don't run with administrator privileges by default, even if you're logged in to an administrator account. Instead, using an administrator level account merely gives you the ability to elevate particular processes when you need to.

The install crapped out on me as well. I closed the hung process and then went to START > All Programs >> MySQL >> MySQL Server 5.1

At this point, you should hold down the SHIFT key, and right-click on "MySQL Server Instance Config Wizard" and select "RUN AS ADMINISTRATOR" from the menu. You should be able to run through the entire setup again, and it should not hang at the end. "RUN AS ADMINISTRATOR" made all the difference!

For me, this problem seemed to be connected to the fact that I was trying several times to install MySQL and also changing the location of the database files. If you get the 1067 error in this situation

  1. make sure the datadir option in my.ini points to your new database directory
  2. make sure you've copied all files from the default directory to the new directory
  3. delete any ibdata and ib_logfile files from the new directory.

=== Details ===

I was installing MySQL Server 5.5 on Win 7 and getting this problem - the MySQL Server Instance Configuration Wizard kept hanging on "Start service". I tried uninstalling and deleting all local MySQL files, and also running the wizard as administrator, but kept getting the same result.

The MySQL troubleshooting documentation gave some good clues. I eventually realised the problem was to do with me changing the location of the MySQL data files in the wizard from the default C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.5\data to D:\MySQL Datafiles. MySQL has essential system files in that data directory - if it can't find them the service won't start.

  • I opened the configuration file C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.5\my.ini in notepad (running notepad as admin). I found the config wizard hadn't changed the datadir option, which was still pointing to the default folder. I changed it manually to the new address and saved the file.

  • Tried starting the MySQL service manually, but go the same 1067 error.

  • Realised none of the system files were in the new directory, so copied all files from C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.5\data to the new location and tried restarting the MySQL service manually. Got the old error.

  • When I looked in the new data files directory I found MySQL had created an .err log file there with these lines

InnoDB: No valid checkpoint found.

InnoDB: If this error appears when you are creating an InnoDB database,

InnoDB: the problem may be that during an earlier attempt you managed

InnoDB: to create the InnoDB data files, but log file creation failed.

InnoDB: If that is the case, please refer to


The page it referred to told me to delete any old ibdata and ib_logfile files from my data directory that were left over from previous installation attempts. As soon as I did this the service was able to start.