Do I need an Ubuntu certification to teach Ubuntu

I have several students that want a course of Ubuntu. I would like to know the following very important points:

  1. Do I need an Ubuntu certification to certified my students afterwards that they know Ubuntu.

  2. Can I use the Ubuntu logo, an Ubuntu symbol for the certificate that I would give out?
    Do I need permissions?
    Where should I ask for permission?
    Is this possible?

  3. Is there an Ubuntu certificate format available that I could use?

  4. Is there a site where I could sign to teach and promote Ubuntu to new users (Become an Ubuntu teacher)?

  5. What information and permissions might I need from Ubuntu or Canonical if I wanted to give courses about Ubuntu?

Solution 1:

Anyone can teach about Ubuntu and a certification is not required.

Manuals for 11.10 can be found here. Particularly the Ubuntu desktop help will be useful to you if you want to cover the desktop (the other 2 are about server and installing).

Solution 2:

1 . No

2.Yes you can use. But you should obtain permission from canonical

3.AFAIK no

4.I don't know about such sites, But you are already doing it here(

5.There is no need of permissions to teach ubuntu

Solution 3:

Note that if there's a commercial intent to your use, then you will always need a formal license from us for trademarks and copyright materials. Commercial use may not be compatible with Ubuntu project values; in particular, the inter-play of trust and generosity that lies at the heart of open source, so we have a special need to evaluate any commercial usage of the Trademarks.


On that page several parts explain general restrictions on the use of the Ubuntu trademark and indicate you must obtain a license, by contacting Canonical first:

Unfortunately Canonical terminated their certification programs some time ago, so getting a certification to at least validate your knowledge in some formal/official capacity isn't possible anymore. LPIC certifications are your next best thing.