How to remove the trailing spaces in the output file when paste command is used?

Solution 1:

Just tell paste not to add any delimiting character, if your files already have the spacing you need

$ paste -d '' a b c
ATOM   1149  N   MET B   1    -16.392 -20.171 -30.339  1.00140.13           N
ATOM   1150  CA  MET B   1    -15.456 -21.035 -31.092  1.00140.13           C
ATOM   1151  C   MET B   1    -14.468 -20.202 -31.838  1.00140.13           C
ATOM   1152  O   MET B   1    -13.272 -20.492 -31.837  1.00140.13           O
ATOM   1153  CB  MET B   1    -16.220 -21.911 -32.099  1.00140.13           C
ATOM   1154  CG  MET B   1    -16.929 -21.120 -33.199  1.00140.13           C