Are C# uninitialized variables dangerous?

Solution 1:

I am under the impression that there are not truly "unassigned" values allowed by the runtime. In particular that a reference type that is not initialized will always have a null value, never the value left over from a previous invocation of the method or random value. Is this correct?

I note that no one has actually answered your question yet.

The answer to the question you actually asked is "sorta".

As others have noted, some variables (array elements, fields, and so on) are classified as being automatically "initially assigned" to their default value (which is null for reference types, zero for numeric types, false for bools, and the natural recursion for user-defined structs).

Some variables are not classified as initially assigned; local variables in particular are not initially assigned. They must be classified by the compiler as "definitely assigned" at all points where their values are used.

Your question then is actually "is a local variable that is classified as not definitely assigned actually initially assigned the same way that a field would be?" And the answer to that question is yes, in practice, the runtime initially assigns all locals.

This has several nice properties. First, you can observe them in the debugger to be in their default state before their first assignment. Second, there is no chance that the garbage collector will be tricked into dereferencing a bad pointer just because there was garbage left on the stack that is now being treated as a managed reference. And so on.

The runtime is permitted to leave the initial state of locals as whatever garbage happened to be there if it can do so safely. But as an implementation detail, it does not ever choose to do so. It zeros out the memory for a local variable aggressively.

The reason then for the rule that locals must be definitely assigned before they are used is not to prevent you from observing the garbage uninitialized state of the local. That is already unobservable because the CLR aggressively clears locals to their default values, the same as it does for fields and array elements. The reason this is illegal in C# is because using an unassigned local has high likelihood of being a bug. We simply make it illegal, and then the compiler prevents you from ever having such a bug.

Solution 2:

As far as I'm aware, every type has a designated default value.

As per this document, fields of classes are assigned the default value.

This document says that the following always have default values assigned automatically.

  • Static variables.
  • Instance variables of class instances.
  • Instance variables of initially assigned struct variables.
  • Array elements.
  • Value parameters.
  • Reference parameters.
  • Variables declared in a catch clause or a foreach statement.

More information on the actual default values here: Default values of C# types (C# reference)

Solution 3:

It depends on where the variable is declared. Variables declared within a class are automatically initialized using the default value.

object o;
void Method()
    if (o == null)
        // This will execute

Variables declared within a method are not initialized, but when the variable is first used the compiler checks to make sure that it was initialized, so the code will not compile.

void Method()
    object o;
    if (o == null) // Compile error on this line

Solution 4:

In particular that a reference type that is not initialized will always have a null value

I think you are mixing up local variables and member variables. Section 5.3 talks specifically about local variables. Unlike member variables that do get defaulted, local variables never default to the null value or anything else: they simply must be assigned before they are first read. Section 5.3 explains the rules that the compiler uses to determine if a local variable has been assigned or not.