An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine

This problem can be simply solved by closing Eclipse and restarting it. Eclipse sometimes fails to establish a connection with the Emulator, so this can happen in some cases.

Checkout there might be two instances of Eclipse are pointing to same Android SDK...just keep one instance of Eclipse and try again...that's why you are getting Exception as "established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine"...go in details of android adb(Android Debug Bridge) you will get it...

I was getting these errors too and was stumped. After reading and trying the two answers above, I was still getting the error.

However,I checked the processes tab of Task Manager to find a rogue copy of 'eclipse.exe *32' that the UI didn' t show as running. I guess this should have been obvious as the error does suggest that the reason the emulator/phone cannot connect is because it's already established a connection with the second copy.

Long story short, make sure via Task Manager that no other Eclipse instances are running before resorting to a PC restart!

If you develop in multiple IDE's or other programs that connect to AVD you should try closing them too.

Netbeans also can cause conflicts with eclipse if you set it up for NBAndroid.

I had the problem with multiple IDE. Closing Eclipse, killing from task manager or restarting didnt help. Just deleted the AVD and created it again.