How to disable automount in nautilus's preferences

I am using Ubuntu 11.10 (64 bits) and I do not want to mount automatically USB thumb drives in my system. I tried the command dconf-editor and gconf-editor but there isn't the icon to disable it in nautilus preferences (apps|nautilus|preferences|media_automount).


Solution 1:

You first need to install dconf editor in Software Center. In my case it shows remove because I have already installed it

enter image description here

Then you need to open dconf editor via Dash

enter image description here

Then goto

You will find automount checkbox on right hand side. Uncheck it

enter image description here

If you prefer not to install anything extra in your system. You can use gsettings to change dconf keys.

To disable Nautilus automount use this command in a terminal

gsettings set automount false

To enable it again open a terminal and use this command

gsettings set automount true

Solution 2:

Install dconf-tools, and run dconf-editor. Then see in dconf-editor, key