How do I avoid the "S to Skip" message on boot?

After upgrading my laptop from karmic to lucid, my fat32 partition won't mount automatically. I get the message:

The disk drive for /osshare is not ready yet or not present
Continue to wait; or Press S to skip mounting or M for manual recovery

Funny thing is, if I skip, then /osshare/ is mounted once I log in.

I've a similar setup on my desktop, and it works fine. Fstab on desktop:

UUID=4663-6853  /osshare        vfat    utf8,umask=007,gid=46 0       1

/etc/fstab on laptop:

UUID=1234-5678 /osshare vfat utf8,auto,rw,user 0 0 

Solution 1:

You should add the option nobootwait to your /etc/fstab. So that it looks like:

UUID=1234-5678 /osshare vfat utf8,auto,rw,user,nobootwait 0 0 

From fstab(5):

The mountall(8) program that mounts filesystem during boot also recognises additional options that the ordinary mount(8) tool does not. These are: bootwait which can be applied to remote filesystems mounted outside of /usr or /var, without which mountall(8) would not hold up the boot for these; nobootwait which can be applied to non-remote filesystems to explicitly instruct mountall(8) not to hold up the boot for them;

Solution 2:

Another option for /etc/fstab mounts appears to be the "bg" option, which not only backgrounds the nfs mount, but also attempts retries at a regular interval after boot finishes. So when the nfs server comes back online, your mounts will eventually come back online.

Solution 3:

It sounds like you might need to edit your fstab tables as an extra drive is messing with your boot-up, give the following a try:

  1. Alt+F2
  2. Type gksudo nautilus and hit the run button
  3. Navigate to /etc/fstab
  4. Open file and edit out the extra drive that is launching
  5. Save the file when done and close
  6. Restart machine

This should stop the extra drive from interrupting your boot-up process.