Is there a wifi-menu (from Arch Linux) equivalent in Ubuntu?
Solution 1:
A good equivalent in Debian/Ubuntu is wicd-curses
Just remember to input the WPA password BEFORE trying to connect to the network:
- Highlight the WiFi you want to connect to
- Press
to configure the network - The last option is the password. Input the password
- Save
- Press
on the network list to connect automagically.
You can even configure it to connect automatically next time it sees the network.
Sources and more info: Guide to WICD
Solution 2:
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install netctl -y
$ sudo wifi -menu -y
If you ask me, a lot of these extravagant processes put in place other than my above are simply uncalled for.
Netplan has the most stringent punctuation, and I advise new users against it. But only if they if have an Ethernet handy in order to install netctl.