Junit before class ( non static )

Solution 1:

A simple if statement seems to work pretty well too:

@ContextConfiguration(locations = {"classpath:test-context.xml"})
public class myTest {

    public static boolean dbInit = false;

    DbUtils dbUtils;

    public void setUp(){


            dbInit = true;



Solution 2:

To use an empty constructor is the easiest solution. You can still override the constructor in the extended class.

But it's not optimal with all the inheritance. That's why JUnit 4 uses annotations instead.

Another option is to create a helper method in a factory/util class and let that method do the work.

If you're using Spring, you should consider using the @TestExecutionListeners annotation. Something like this test:

public class DemoTest {

Spring's AbstractTestExecutionListener contains for example this empty method that you can override:

public void beforeTestClass(TestContext testContext) throws Exception {
    /* no-op */

NOTE: DO NOT overlook/miss DependencyInjectionTestExecutionListener while adding custom TestExecutionListeners. If you do, all the autowires will be null.

Solution 3:

If you don't want to set up static initializers for one time initialization and are not particular about using JUnit, take a look at TestNG. TestNG supports non-static, one-time initialization with a variety of configuration options, all using annotations.

In TestNG, this would be equivalent to:

public void setUpOnce() {
   // One time initialization.

For teardown,

public void tearDownOnce() {
   // One time tear down.

For the TestNG equivalent of JUnit 4's @Before and @After, you can use @BeforeMethod and @AfterMethod respectively.