iOS - UIImageView - how to handle UIImage image orientation

Solution 1:

If I understand, what you want to do is disregard the orientation of the UIImage? If so then you could do this:

UIImage *originalImage = [... whatever ...];

UIImage *imageToDisplay =
     [UIImage imageWithCGImage:[originalImage CGImage]
              scale:[originalImage scale]
              orientation: UIImageOrientationUp];

So you're creating a new UIImage with the same pixel data as the original (referenced via its CGImage property) but you're specifying an orientation that doesn't rotate the data.

Solution 2:

You can completely avoid manually doing the transforms and scaling yourself, as suggested by an0 in this answer here:

- (UIImage *)normalizedImage {
    if (self.imageOrientation == UIImageOrientationUp) return self; 

    UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(self.size, NO, self.scale);
    [self drawInRect:(CGRect){0, 0, self.size}];
    UIImage *normalizedImage = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext();
    return normalizedImage;

The documentation for the UIImage methods size and drawInRect explicitly states that they take into account orientation.

Solution 3:

Swift 3.1

func fixImageOrientation(_ image: UIImage)->UIImage {
    image.draw(at: .zero)
    let newImage = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext()
    return newImage ?? image

Solution 4:

This method first checks the current orientation of UIImage and then it changes the orientation in a clockwise way and return UIImage.You can show this image as

self.imageView.image = rotateImage(currentUIImage)

   func rotateImage(image:UIImage)->UIImage
        var rotatedImage = UIImage();
        switch image.imageOrientation
            case UIImageOrientation.Right:
            rotatedImage = UIImage(CGImage:image.CGImage!, scale: 1, orientation:UIImageOrientation.Down);
           case UIImageOrientation.Down:
            rotatedImage = UIImage(CGImage:image.CGImage!, scale: 1, orientation:UIImageOrientation.Left);
            case UIImageOrientation.Left:
            rotatedImage = UIImage(CGImage:image.CGImage!, scale: 1, orientation:UIImageOrientation.Up);
            rotatedImage = UIImage(CGImage:image.CGImage!, scale: 1, orientation:UIImageOrientation.Right);
        return rotatedImage;

Swift 4 version

extension UIImage {

func rotate() -> UIImage {
    var rotatedImage = UIImage()
    guard let cgImage = cgImage else {
        print("could not rotate image")
        return self
    switch imageOrientation {
    case .right:
        rotatedImage = UIImage(cgImage: cgImage, scale: scale, orientation: .down)
    case .down:
        rotatedImage = UIImage(cgImage: cgImage, scale: scale, orientation: .left)
    case .left:
        rotatedImage = UIImage(cgImage: cgImage, scale: scale, orientation: .up)
        rotatedImage = UIImage(cgImage: cgImage, scale: scale, orientation: .right)
    return rotatedImage