How do I do a bulk insert in mySQL using node.js

Bulk inserts are possible by using nested array, see the github page

Nested arrays are turned into grouped lists (for bulk inserts), e.g. [['a', 'b'], ['c', 'd']] turns into ('a', 'b'), ('c', 'd')

You just insert a nested array of elements.

An example is given in here

var mysql = require('mysql');
var conn = mysql.createConnection({

var sql = "INSERT INTO Test (name, email, n) VALUES ?";
var values = [
    ['demian', '[email protected]', 1],
    ['john', '[email protected]', 2],
    ['mark', '[email protected]', 3],
    ['pete', '[email protected]', 4]
conn.query(sql, [values], function(err) {
    if (err) throw err;

Note: values is an array of arrays wrapped in an array

[ [ [...], [...], [...] ] ]

There is also a totally different node-msql package for bulk insertion

@Ragnar123 answer is correct, but I see a lot of people saying in the comments that it is not working. I had the same problem and it seems like you need to wrap your array in [] like this:

var pars = [
    [99, "1984-11-20", 1.1, 2.2, 200], 
    [98, "1984-11-20", 1.1, 2.2, 200], 
    [97, "1984-11-20", 1.1, 2.2, 200]

It needs to be passed like [pars] into the method.

I ran into this today (mysql 2.16.0) and thought I'd share my solution:

const items = [
    {name: 'alpha', description: 'describes alpha', value: 1},

    'INSERT INTO my_table (name, description, value) VALUES ?',
    [ => [, item.description, item.value])],
    (error, results) => {...}