module has no attribute

I have a directory with a number of .py files in it. each file defines some classes. I also have an empty in the directory.

For example:


I am trying to import mymodule and access the classes defined in all these files:

from myproject import mymodule

print mymodule.api.MyClass 

It gives me an error saying that mymodule has no attribute api. Why? And why I can access just one of the files ( and not the others?

In [2]: dir(banners)

Solution 1:

The problem is submodules are not automatically imported. You have to explicitly import the api module:

import myproject.mymodule.api
print myproject.mymodule.api.MyClass

If you really insist on api being available when importing myproject.mymodule you can put this in myproject/mymodule/

import myproject.mymodule.api

Then this will work as expected:

from myproject import mymodule

print mymodule.api.MyClass 

Solution 2:

If you are an idiot, like me, then also check whether you didn't name your python file the same as the module you are trying to import.