Useful example of ls -b, --escape

All of your characters are graphic (they have visible glyphs). Try a filename containing whitespace and invisible characters:

$ touch $'\n\t\b\a\b'
$ ls -b
$ echo *

$ printf "%q\n" *

An actual useful example where the output would be tricky otherwise: filenames that accidentally had the \r character inserted in them because DOS file endings got in the way somewhere in the middle of an operation:

$ od -c file-list 
0000000   s   o   m   e   -   f   i   l   e   .   t   x   t  \r  \n
$ xargs -a file-list touch
$ ls -b
\n\t\b\a\b  file-list  some-file.txt\r

I have actually seen this in some post on U&L. Personally, I'd usually use ls -q for copy-pasting to the command-line itself:

$ ls -q
''$'\n\t\b\a\b'  ' '   file-list  'some-file.txt'$'\r'

The default behaviour in newer versions of ls is ls -q for interactive usage: Why is 'ls' suddenly wrapping items with spaces in single quotes?

Example I found myself

$ touch "Hello This is my file"
$ ls
Hello This is my file

With -b option

$ ls -b
Hello\ This\ is\ my\ file

Isn't the 2nd one better when I want to use the output somewhere else in my code?

The way you created the files was probably by directly pasting the test. To create files with backslash escapes you need to use $'...' type of quoting.

Thus creating files should be:

$ touch one$'\n'two  three$'\t'four

And the ls -b will show us their representation:

$ ls -b                                                    
one\ntwo  three\tfour

While default ls will not:

$ ls
one?two  three?four

Note, that having backslash escapes in files can break your scripts, hence one should never parse ls. And exactly the main purpose for ls -b - to see what filenames have and potentially troubleshoot them.

In addition to muru's answer which explains that none of the characters in your filename are non-graphic, I will point out that your filename does not actually contain any backslashes (the shell removes them when running the command of course)

If it did, -b would cause them to be printed with escapes:

$ touch 'hi\(zanna' hi\(zanna
$ ls
hi(zanna  hi\(zanna
$ ls -b
hi(zanna  hi\\(zanna