Front panel audio jack is not working in Ubuntu 16.04

My PC is dual booted with Ubuntu 16.04 and Windows 10. And it has dual audio port (front and rear) rear audio jack is working well but my front panel audio jack is not working in Ubuntu 16.04 (it's fine in Windows).
It was fine in Ubuntu 14.04.
I tried alsamixer but didn't helped me.

Solution 1:

What helped for me was to run alsamixer with headphones in. Then moving right to the column marked "Auto-Mute mode" and pressing down to disable it.

Headphones then worked.

I also ran sudo alsactl store for good luck.

Seems to have worked.

Solution 2:

  1. Open your Terminal (ctrl+alt+t)
  2. Enter the command alsamixer -c 1 in terminal
  3. Use right arrow button and go to the headphone view
  4. Press m to unmute it and press up arrow button to increase the sound view