Power Savings and Performance Modes on Ubuntu System

Solution 1:

You could install Jupiter (http://www.jupiterapplet.org/)

Which adds this this features to your system and allow you to control it using an indicator

enter image description here

Just add the PPA ppa:webupd8team/jupiter to your system using this command

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/jupiter

Update your reposites and install it using these command(s)

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install jupiter

and you are good to go

Solution 2:

From a Terminal you can do:

sudo pm-powersave false

to run in high-performance mode.

And to run in powersave mode:

sudo pm-powersave true

Documentation: PowerManagement/ReducedPower

Full disclosure: I feel this really should set the CPU governors, but I'm not actually sure it does that! It might have been a bug on my system that has given me doubt, so it might work just fine for you. I'd welcome feedback from others on this.

Solution 3:

Energy save mode in Windows is mostly CPU limiting. You can do that with

sudo cpufreq-set -u 0.8Ghz

or whatever the desired value is. Check minimum and maximum frequency available with

cpufreq-info |grep limits

I do that regularly when using a Laptop on battery.

Display brightness adjustments etc. are up to you.

Solution 4:

If you have an Intel CPU, (and are using gnome) you can install an extension that does that.https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/945/cpu-power-manager/

Solution 5:

You can try slimbook battery. I am using it on one of my laptops,but my opinion is that Ubuntu drains the batteries. Add the ppa:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:slimbook/slimbook

And then install:

sudo apt update && sudo apt install slimbookbattery