WPS Office - Change Spreadsheets Default Fill Background Color

Solution 1:

As an addendum to Roel Brook's answer, I found that you can actually change this setting in the binary file. To do this open terminal and enter

sudo $EDITOR `where et`

Then look for:

${gInstallPath}/office6/${gApp} -style gtk+ ${gOptExt} ${gOpt} "$@"

and change it to:

${gInstallPath}/office6/${gApp} -style motif ${gOptExt} ${gOpt} "$@"

Then save and close. Now the changes will be persistent.

Solution 2:

GTK theme have to be set with environment variable and parameter

env GTK2_RC_FILES=/usr/share/themes/Adwaita/gtk-2.0/gtkrc ./et -style gtk+

Can you show a way to input this parameter to the application to be persistent? >>I'm using KDE Neon 5.14 User Edition (Based Ubuntu 18.04)

Thanks a Lot man


Knowing about this tip that intika said, a precious one by the way, I searched a little more to How to make this line as permanent. So, its very simple.

Right Click > Edit Application > Application tab > Run or Command box-form and add "Exec="on begining.

For exemple:

Exec=env GTK2_RC_FILES=/usr/share/themes/Adwaita/gtk-2.0/gtkrc /usr/bin/et -style gtk+

This solved my problem. Take care to do not put this command to run in a terminal on advanced settings, or It will open terminal together (unless you want it)

Solution 3:

As with most QT applications, WPS accepts "-style".

For example: et -style motif

This will ignore the current desktop theme, and run WPS with that specific QT theme.

Solution 4:

GTK theme have to be set with environment variable and parameter

env GTK2_RC_FILES=/usr/share/themes/Adwaita/gtk-2.0/gtkrc ./et -style gtk+

Solution 5:

Turns out this is caused by an interaction with the Arc Dark theme (it does not occur with Arc or Arc Darker). I posted an issue on Horst's GitHub page.