how do I refresh my wired ethernet connection from command line?

What is the command line equivalent of unchecking "Enable Networking" (disabling networking) and then re-enabling?

In my environment, there are multiple networks which require me to physically move my network cable. Sometimes my connection does not refresh properly, so I disable/re-enable networking to refresh my connection. Being able to do this from the command line would be much more efficient for me.

I'm using 12.04 LTS.

Solution 1:

I'd use the nmcli commands for that purpose:

nmcli nm enable false && nmcli nm enable true

man page:

       nmcli is a command‐line tool for controlling NetworkManager and report‐
       ing on its status.  It is not meant as a full replacement for nm‐applet
       or other similar clients but as a complementary utility to those pro‐
       grams.  The main usage for nmcli is on servers, headless machines or
       for power users who prefer the command line.


  nm     NetworkManager
          Use this object to inquire and change state of NetworkManager.


          enable [true|false]
                 Get networking‐enabled status or enable/disable network‐
                 ing by NetworkManager.  All interfaces managed by Net‐
                 workManager are deactivated when networking has been dis‐
                 Reference to D‐Bus:
                 interface: org.freedesktop.NetworkManager
                 method:    Enable
                 arguments: TRUE or FALSE

Solution 2:

Please try:

sudo service network-manager restart

Solution 3:

You can try:

nmcli connection reload

It will reload all connection files from disk.