Command to perform a recursive chmod to make all .sh files within a directory executable?

Trying to perform a recursive chmod on all the .sh files in a directory to make them executable

To make this possible you can use the find command and search for all files with a .sh extension and then run the chmod command on each one found:

find /directory/of/interest/ -type f -iname "*.sh" -exec chmod +x {} \;


  1. -type f: Normal files only (skip directories, symlinks, named pipes and sockets, and the special files found in /dev)
  2. -iname: Ignore case in the name
  3. "*.sh": Globbing, telling the find command to search for files with ".sh" extension
  4. -exec chmod +x {}: This tells the find command to carry out a chmod command on each found file. Making each executable
  5. \;: Indicating end of command