How to switch from Unity to Gnome through command line so Gnome runs on startup instead

I have Gnome 3 installed, and when I did an update and restarted my computer Unity loaded.

I would like to switch back because I like Gnome 3 better. The issue that I face is that when I logout of my user, I get the "The system is running in low-graphics mode" error, and all I can do boot into the first option, which loads my using using Unity.

The system is running in low-graphics mode

So, Is it possible to change this setting via some config file or command line command? I would like to have Gnome startup when I start my computer instead of Unity.

Solution 1:

I have figured it out, all I had to do was switch my display manager from lightdm to gdm3.

  • Start the terminal
  • Run sudo dpkg-reconfigure lightdm
  • Choose gdm3
  • Restart the display manager or Restart the computer (I had to restart the computer because the display manager didn't want to restart)