netbeans - how to view file full path in window title (or somewhere else)?

Solution 1:

I don't know of an option to show the full path in the tab or window, but I handle this problem in several ways:

  • Hit Ctrl+Shift+1 while in the editor to highlight the file in the Projects View
  • Hit Ctrl+Shift+2 Show the file in the Files (actual folders) View.
  • Use Alt+Shift+O to open files by name (which shows the path and the project)

Hopefully you can use one of these to your advantage.

Solution 2:

I know this question is old, but for other folks, who Google here like me: There is a plugin called "show-path-in-title". You can download it directly from Netbeans, or here:

Solution 3:

Yes, it is incredible that a so little issue can discourage so much.


Another way is maintain open the "properties" window: Ctrl+Shift+7 Shows name, size, modification time...

You can have that window undocked, even in another screen, if you have it. Always is on top. So, wow, is something just discovered. And seems a very cool solution!!! THX!!!

Solution 4:

The Show Path in Titlebar plugin is useful if you have a titlebar, which I personally consider a useless feature and disable. Luckily in Netbeans 8.0.2 you have a number of other options.

  • you can enable showing full file path below the tab:

show full file path

  • you can enable showing parent directory on the tab itself:

show parent folder name in tab title

  • kind of related, there is a plugin called Cool Editor Actions that allows you to see all the parent folders all the way to the root amongst other features:

enter image description here