Is there a Linux equivalent of Programmer's Notepad or Notepad++

I've recently switched over to Ubuntu from Windows and love it. One thing I miss is my Programmer's Notepad. I haven't found anything similar yet for Linux. Eclipse is way too big and involved for what I need.


Specifically I'm looking for -

  • a diff tool (I know about Meld, but am looking for built-in or plug-in rather than a separate tool);

  • ftp;

  • html/xml tag-matching;

  • and the big one - find in files - search for a term or regex in a user-specific group of files, or recursively through directories, and return a highlighted, clickable list of results.

Edited again (04/05/2011) I did end up trying most of the suggestions below, but what I ended up with is Komodo Edit. It does everything I wanted, and it's available on all three platforms, so now that I'm on a Mac at work, I don't have to learn another new IDE. It's build on Mozilla, so there are add-ons (and you can create your own) which can be updated the same way Firefox add-ons are.

Solution 1:

A lot of Linux users eventually migrate to Vim or Emacs. They have steep learning curves, but near-infinite customizability. For a more notepad++ like editor, I hear good things about geany, but am a vim user myself.

In my opinion the choice of an editor is a very personal matter. If I were you, I would look at this list and try them one by one until I found one that worked for me. If all else fails, I noticed on that list that notepad++ is reported to work well with wine.

Solution 2:

Vim sounds like what you're looking for

Instructions to install it are on that page too :)

Solution 3:

There are tons of editors, many with features you'll love. My suggestion is definitely to migrate to something that works on multiple platforms and use it on all your machines.

That said, here is a link for many Ubuntu options:

GNU Emacs, Vim and jEdit are good options (thought I don't use jEdit):

Solution 4:

I am also new to Ubuntu and I've been using Atom and I am really pleased with it. It has some features by default like code folding and snippets autocomplete for frequently used words. But appart from that it is fully customizable and there are free packages for everything you can imagine. There are packages to:

  • add minimap
  • change theme colour
  • change syntax colour
  • Add linter to quickly detect your errors
  • Autocomplete packages for many languages
  • Search and replace in file (ctr+f) or in the whole project folder (ctr+shift+f)

These are some of the features. Give it a try. :-)

Solution 5:

I like gvim. It has all of the power of vim, but with some friendly GUI features added. It has syntax highlighting, regex related find and replace, and you can do diffs, as well as a host of other things. It's cross-platform, as well.

I use gedit, as well.