Which Boost features overlap with C++11?

I put my C++ skills on the shelf several years ago and it seems now, when I need them again, the landscape has changed.

We have got C++11 now, and my understanding is that it overlaps many Boost features.

Is there some summary where those overlaps lie, which Boost libraries going to become legacy, recommendation of which C++11 features to use instead of boost ones and which better not?

Solution 1:

Replaceable by C++11 language features or libraries

  • Foreach → range-based for
  • Functional/Forward → Perfect forwarding (with rvalue references, variadic templates and std::forward)
  • In Place Factory, Typed In Place Factory → Perfect forwarding (at least for the documented use cases)
  • Lambda → Lambda expression (in non-polymorphic cases)
  • Local function → Lambda expression
  • Min-Max → std::minmax, std::minmax_element
  • Ratio → std::ratio
  • Static Assert → static_assert
  • Thread → <thread>, etc (but check this question).
  • Typeof → auto, decltype
  • Value initialized → List-initialization (§8.5.4/3)
  • Math/Special Functions → <cmath>, see the list below
    • gamma function (tgamma), log gamma function (lgamma)
    • error functions (erf, erfc)
    • log1p, expm1
    • cbrt, hypot
    • acosh, asinh, atanh

TR1 (they are marked in the documentation if those are TR1 libraries)

  • Array → std::array
  • Bind → std::bind
  • Enable If → std::enable_if
  • Function → std::function
  • Member Function → std::mem_fn
  • Random → <random>
  • Ref → std::ref, std::cref
  • Regex → <regex>
  • Result Of → std::result_of
  • Smart Ptr → std::unique_ptr, std::shared_ptr, std::weak_ptr (but boost::intrusive_ptr still cannot be replaced)
  • Swap (swapping arrays) → std::swap
  • Tuple → std::tuple
  • Type Traits → <type_traits>
  • Unordered → <unordered_set>, <unordered_map>

Features back-ported from C++11:

  • Atomic ← std::atomic
  • Chrono ← <chrono> (see below)
  • Move ← Rvalue references

Replaceable by C++17 language features:

  • String_ref → std::string_view
  • Filesystem → <filesystem> (Filesystem TS)
  • Optional → std::optional (Library Fundamentals TS v1)
  • Any → std::any (Library Fundamentals TS v1)
  • Math/Special Functions → <cmath> (Special Math IS), see the list below
    • beta function
    • (normal / associated / spherical) Legendre polynomials
    • (normal / associated) Legendre polynomials
    • Hermite polynomials
    • Bessel (J / Y / I / K) functions (Y is called Neumann function in C++)
    • spherical Bessel (j / y) functions
    • (incomplete / complete) elliptic integrals of (first / second / third kind)
    • Riemann zeta function
    • exponential integral Ei
  • Variant → std::variant (P0088R2)

The standard team is still working on it:

  • Math Common Factor → std::experimetal::gcd, lcm (Library Fundamentals TS v2)
  • Concept check → Concepts TS
  • Range → Range TS
  • Asio → Networking TS (sockets and timers only)
  • Multiprecision → Numerics TS
  • Coroutine/Coroutine2 → Coroutines TS

A large part of MPL can be trimmed down or removed using variadic templates. Some common use cases of Lexical cast can be replaced by std::to_string and std::stoX.

Some Boost libraries are related to C++11 but also have some more extensions, e.g. Boost.Functional/Hash contains hash_combine and related functions not found in C++11, Boost.Chrono has I/O and rounding and many other clocks, etc. so you may still want to take a look at the boost ones before really dismissing them.

Solution 2:

Actually, I don't think the boost libraries are going to become legacy.

Yes, you should be able to use std::type_traits, regex, shared_ptr, unique_ptr, tuple<>, std::tie, std::begin instead of Boost Typetraits/Utility, Boost Smartpointer, Boost Tuple, Boost Range libraries, but there should in practice be no real need to 'switch' unless you are moving more of your code to c++11.

Also, in my experience, the std versions of most of these are somewhat less featureful. E.g. AFAICT the standard does not have

  • Perl5 regular expressions
  • call_traits
  • Certain regex interface members (such as bool boost::basic_regex<>::empty()) and othe interface differences
    • this bites more since the Boost interface is exactly matched with Boost Xpressive
    • and it plays much more nicely with Boost String Algorithms Obviously, the latter don't have standard counterparts (yet?)
  • Many things relating to TMP (Boost Fusion)
  • Lazy, expression template-based lambdas; they have inevitable benefits in that they can be polymorphic today, as opposed to C++11. Therefore they can often be more succinct:

     std::vector<int> v = {1,2,-9,3};
     for (auto i : v | filtered(_arg1 >=0))
         std::cout << i << "\n";
     // or:
     boost::for_each(v, std::cout << _arg1);

    Most definitely, this still has some appeal over C++11 lambdas (with trailing return types, explicit capturing and declared parameters).

Also, there is a BIG role for Boost, precisely in facilitating path-wise migration from C++03 to C++11 and integrating C++11 and C++03 codebases. I'm particularly thinking of

  • Boost Auto (BOOST_AUTO)
  • Boost Utility (boost::result_of<> and related)
  • Boost Foreach (BOOST_FOREACH)
  • Don't forget: Boost Move - which makes it possible to write classes with move semantics with a syntax that will compile equally well on C++03 compilers with Boost 1_48+ and C++11 compilers.

Just my $0.02