When to use IList and when to use List

I know that IList is the interface and List is the concrete type but I still don't know when to use each one. What I'm doing now is if I don't need the Sort or FindAll methods I use the interface. Am I right? Is there a better way to decide when to use the interface or the concrete type?

Solution 1:

There are two rules I follow:

  • Accept the most basic type that will work
  • Return the richest type your user will need

So when writing a function or method that takes a collection, write it not to take a List, but an IList<T>, an ICollection<T>, or IEnumerable<T>. The generic interfaces will still work even for heterogenous lists because System.Object can be a T too. Doing this will save you headache if you decide to use a Stack or some other data structure further down the road. If all you need to do in the function is foreach through it, IEnumerable<T> is really all you should be asking for.

On the other hand, when returning an object out of a function, you want to give the user the richest possible set of operations without them having to cast around. So in that case, if it's a List<T> internally, return a copy as a List<T>.

Solution 2:

Microsoft guidelines as checked by FxCop discourage use of List<T> in public APIs - prefer IList<T>.

Incidentally, I now almost always declare one-dimensional arrays as IList<T>, which means I can consistently use the IList<T>.Count property rather than Array.Length. For example:

public interface IMyApi
    IList<int> GetReadOnlyValues();

public class MyApiImplementation : IMyApi
    public IList<int> GetReadOnlyValues()
        List<int> myList = new List<int>();
        ... populate list
        return myList.AsReadOnly();
public class MyMockApiImplementationForUnitTests : IMyApi
    public IList<int> GetReadOnlyValues()
        IList<int> testValues = new int[] { 1, 2, 3 };
        return testValues;

Solution 3:

You should try and use the least specific type that suits your purpose.
IEnumerable is less specific than IList.
You use IEnumerable when you want to loop through the items in a collection.

IList implements IEnumerable.
You should use IList when you need access by index to your collection, add and delete elements, etc...

List implements IList.