Keyboard shortcut to select address bar in Total Commander

Solution 1:

What's the keyboard shortcut to focus/select the address bar in Total Commander?

I cannot find an easy way to get my cursor into the directory/address bar to immediately start typing a network path or directory, I have to click once or twice to get it editable.


Press Shift+F6 while focus is on [..] item.


Or assign the command cm_EditPath to a shortcut, an alias, a button or a menu item.

Source Keyboard shortcut to quickly type into Directory/address bar

Solution 2:

Following the advice from, here's how you can set Ctrl+L to go to the address bar in Total Commander:

Configuration->Options->Misc->Redefine hotkeys, then set to Ctrl+L, choose the command to be cm_EditPath, and click the tick icon:

enter image description here