VLC not working well --- Black screen (with sound) for videos, while other players work just fine

I use VLC for years in Windows and never had that problem. I also use it since my fresh Win10 install last year (by "fresh" I mean it wasn't an update installation but a pure installation after format) so there is less room for problems.

Until yesterday VLC worked fine but since then all videos I ran in VLC doesn't contain image --- Only sound. I should note that I didn't anything special I could mention to the system - I didn't update the Win drivers or anything of the sort.

WMP (Windows Media Player) plays videos fine. There are no malfunctions with the PC itself.

Things I've tried and didn't help:

  1. Reset all VLC prefrences.
  2. Updating VLC.
  3. Uninstalling and reinstalling VLC (updated version).
  4. Unchecking "Accelerated video output (Overlay)" option under Tools->Preferences->Video.

    • I also tried to restart the PC after reinstall - No change.


The video card was most likely to be Asus GTX 570 OC, at the time.

I can think of two options to try:

  1. change the output module to OpenGL, you need to select "all" in options to see the advanced options, and this one is at: preferences->video->output module

  2. check/uncheck "Overlay video output". This option is located at preferences->video

I had a similar problem. Here's my solution:

Whenever I played any video file using VLC (ver.2.2.4 Weather Wax) only the sound would start. Video frame would show outside of the application window but be black or blank. If I then stopped the play (by clicking the STOP button) and then re-started it, the video would show normally.

Additionally, Windows would drop down to 'Basic' from 'Aero' display type.

I observed that this happened only when I ran VLC. If I played that same video file in any other player like mpc-hc (I never use WMP) etc, Windows would continue to remain in Aero scheme and never drop down to Basic.

This indicated to me that VLC was misconfigured somehow - a hunch which proved correct in my case.

After some amount of Internet research, I discovered that if VLC output to Direct X, only then this problem occurred.

But then I noticed that OP had already tried changing VLC's video output module to OpenGL but wasn't happy with that.

So I tried the other Video Output Modules listed in the dropdown menu available in my installation of VLC.

By trial & error, I found that selecting Windows GDI Video output solved the problem, atleast for me. Now, my Windows 7 Professional does NOT drop from Aero Glass down to Basic nor does my video play quality suffer!

VLC Video Output Module Windows GDI selected

(Re-)Install some decent video codecs. I believe KLite codec pack is good and is not spamware.

I had the same problem, I found the solution here:


In my case changing video to OpenGL this or that, DirectX, and so on resulted only in VLC crashing.

What solved my case was (as in linked post) going to "Input/Codecs" tab, "Codecs" section and changing "Hardware accelerated decoding" entry to "Disable".