AWS Cognito authentication equivalent on google cloud platform - secure a web app using google id authentication

Is there anything similar to AWS Cognito authentication equivalent on google cloud platform?

Google Firebase seems to be the closest equivalent.

Seems like Google IAP (relying on the identity platform) looks like amazon Cognito.

Cognito equivalent from Google, Authentication as a service, is Google Identity Platform with SDKs for all major platforms, protocols and Identity Providers.

There is also Firebase Authentication, a bit simplified but customizable, focused on app development productivity.

  • Here is a comparison between Google Identity Platform and Firebase Authentication.
  • Here is a short comparison between Firebase Authentication and AWS Cognito.

One of the example in differences between AWS and GCP is how build-in sign-in and sign-up web UI is offered:

  • Amazon gives you UI you can configure at your User Pool console. It is ready to use, no code, but won't let you customize the front-end more than by editing css classes and uploading a logo. AWS equivalent of Firebase BaaS is AWS Amplify.
  • Google provides code snippets and opens source libraries to build the front-end with, like pre-built authentication UI.