Install and use JOE Editor on Ubuntu 16.04

Joe's Own Editor

I found joe and joe-jupp in the Ubuntu Universe repository.

sudo apt-get install joe
sudo apt-get install joe-jupp

I think this is what you are looking for.


  • I remember using jove long ago in UNIX and MSDOS. I think it was Jonathan's own version of emacs.

    sudo apt-get install jove

Is this it (maybe you mixed up Joe and Jonathan) or are you looking for another editor?

  • If you can't find your favourite editor, maybe emacs will feel familiar enough for you. I use emacs24,

    sudo apt-get install emacs24
  • Otherwise geany is a good editor with a GUI

    sudo apt-get install geany
  • and nano is a simple text mode editor (easy to learn, but not as powerful as emacs).