How do I disable the "Would you like to set up Livepatch now" message at login?

Solution 1:

This message is part of the MOTD (Message of the Day), which is fully editable. There are two steps you'll need to follow:

  1. Edit the motd-news file:
    sudo vi /etc/default/motd-news
    Disable the dynamic MOTD news service by changing a 1 to a 0:
    Save the file and exit.
  2. Edit the 80-livepatch file:
    sudo vi /etc/update-motd.d/80-livepatch
    Tell it to exit by adding command on a new row immediately after #!/bin/sh:
    exit 0
    Save the file and exit.
  3. Enjoy a shorter MOTD when SSHing into the machine(s)