Pipe all Postfix email for a domain to PHP script - Centos7/EC2

Solution 1:

Amazingly, Wombles comment helped and I was very close with my initial question.

This worked for me. This is to redirect/pipe all email for one domain (not in hostname) to a php script on a CentOS server using Postfix (assuming you have deal with DNS and selinux/firewalls):

  1. Virtual Alias

    Redirect the email to a local user by updating /etc/postfix/virtual:

    @support.mydomain.com apache@localhost

    Rebuild the virtual alias db with postmap /etc/postfix/virtual.

  2. Tell Postfix To Use Our Virtual Alias db in /etc/postfix/main.cf:

    virtual_alias_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/virtual

  3. Virtual Domain

    Update /etc/postfix/main.cf with a virtual domain, so it knows to accept email for your the domain, otherwise you'll get a "454 4.7.1 Relay access denied" error:

    virtual_alias_domains = support.mydomain.com

  4. Accept Connections

    Tell postfix to allow connections from the internet (not jsut local) by upadting /etc/postfix/main.cf:


  5. Update Alias

    Update /etc/aliases to redirect email addressed to the localuser to a script:

    #apache:root (unconnect any existing entry for your local user) apache: "|sudo /usr/bin/php -q /var/www/mydomain.com/my-script.php"

  6. Rebuild Aliases & Restart Postfix

    sudo newaliases sudo postfix reload sudo service postfix restart

I hope this helps others, there didn't seem to be a compiled/concise post on this.