How to list all OpenSSH supported authentication methods?

Solution 1:

This isn't documented very clearly (or at all). But here's what I was able to find. In OpenSSH 6.2, there were only 4 methods

There are just four allowable methods: publickey, password, hostbased, and keyboard-interactive.

Others have felt the need for more documentation as well. See Attachment 3045 which states for OpenSSH 7.5:

The available authentication methods are: gssapi-with-mic, hostbased, keyboard-interactive, none (used for access to password-less accounts when PermitEmptyPassword is enabled),, password, and publickey.

Hope that helps.

Solution 2:

There isn't a way … over the network … to list ALL the active methods of authentications of OpenSSH ... in advance … ever: You are challenged to only the first one then the next …

this is a security feature. You want to know? Look at the /etc/ssh/sshd_config directly on that server. Oh, you can’t? That’s security by design.

So, I'll expand the list even further than what the official OpenSSL documentation covered as I've been code-reviewing OpenSSH for some time.

The available authentication methods are:

  • "gssapi-with-mic",
  • "hostbased",
  • "keyboard-interactive",
  • "none" (used for access to password-less accounts when PermitEmptyPassword is enabled),
  • "password" and
  • "publickey".

AuthenticationMethods specifies the authentication methods that must be successfully completed for a user to be granted access. This option must be followed by one or more lists of comma-separated authentication method names, or by the single string any to indicate the default behavior of accepting any single authentication method. If the default is overridden, then successful authentication requires completion of every method in at least one of these lists.

Pubkey Authentication

For example,

AuthenticationMethods publickey,password publickey,keyboard-interactive

would require the user to complete public key authentication, followed by either password or keyboard interactive authentication. Only methods that are next in one or more lists are offered at each stage, so for this example it would not be possible to attempt password or keyboard-interactive authentication before public key.

Keyboard Interactive Authentication

For keyboard interactive authentication it is also possible to restrict authentication to a specific device by appending a colon followed by the device identifier bsdauth or pam depending on the server configuration. For example,

AuthenticationMethods keyboard-interactive:bsdauth

would restrict keyboard interactive authentication to the bsdauth device.

Multiple Pubkey Authentication

If the publickey method is listed more than once, sshd(8) verifies that keys that have been used successfully are not reused for subsequent authentications.

For example,

AuthenticationMethods publickey,publickey

requires successful authentication using two different public keys.


A comma (,) separator symbol that separates a pair of auth options are tried together (AND-logic) firstly before any of its space separator(s).

A whitespace ( ) separator symbol that separates one or more auth options (whose options may be joined by comma(s)) are tried separately (OR-logic).

NOTE: Colon (:) separator are used to restrict its accompanied authentication method to a specific authentication device pathway mechanism such as pam, bsdauth, and skey. For keyboard interactive authentication it is also possible to restrict authentication to a specific device by appending a colon followed by the device identifier bsdauth, pam, or skey, depending on the server configuration. For example, keyboard-interactive:bsdauth would restrict keyboard interactive authentication to the bsdauth device.

Note that each authentication option (except none) listed in AuthenticationMethods should also have its corresponding config setting be explicitly enabled in the configuration. For example, if pubkey option got used in AuthenticationMethods setting then it’s accompanied config line PubkeyAuthentication on must also be in its config file.

Details for code reviewers of OpenSSH

  • Channel type: preauth (pre-channel)
  • CLI option: -oAuthenticationMethods=XXXX"
  • Process context: main
  • SSH service: ssh-userauth (SSH2_MSG_USERAUTH_REQUEST)
  • options.auth_methods[]/auth2_setup_methods_lists()/input_userauth_request()
  • AuthenticationMethods defaults to 'any'.