Does the ternary operator exist in R?

Solution 1:

As if is function in R and returns the latest evaluation, if-else is equivalent to ?:.

> a <- 1
> x <- if(a==1) 1 else 2
> x
[1] 1
> x <- if(a==2) 1 else 2
> x
[1] 2

The power of R is vectorization. The vectorization of the ternary operator is ifelse:

> a <- c(1, 2, 1)
> x <- ifelse(a==1, 1, 2)
> x
[1] 1 2 1
> x <- ifelse(a==2, 1, 2)
> x
[1] 2 1 2

Just kidding, you can define c-style ?::

`?` <- function(x, y)
      function(e) parse(text = e)
    )[[2 - as.logical(x)]])

here, you don't need to take care about brackets:

> 1 ? 2*3 : 4
[1] 6
> 0 ? 2*3 : 4
[1] 4
> TRUE ? x*2 : 0
[1] 2
> FALSE ? x*2 : 0
[1] 0

but you need brackets for assignment :(

> y <- 1 ? 2*3 : 4
[1] 6
> y
[1] 1
> y <- (1 ? 2*3 : 4)
> y
[1] 6

Finally, you can do very similar way with c:

`?` <- function(x, y) {
  xs <- as.list(substitute(x))
  if (xs[[1]] =="<-")) x <- eval(xs[[3]])
  r <- eval(sapply(strsplit(deparse(substitute(y)), ":"), function(e) parse(text = e))[[2 - as.logical(x)]])
  if (xs[[1]] =="<-")) {
    xs[[3]] <- r
  } else {

You can get rid of brackets:

> y <- 1 ? 2*3 : 4
> y
[1] 6
> y <- 0 ? 2*3 : 4
> y
[1] 4
> 1 ? 2*3 : 4
[1] 6
> 0 ? 2*3 : 4
[1] 4

These are not for daily use, but maybe good for learning some internals of R language.

Solution 2:

Like everyone else said, use ifelse, but you can define operators so that you nearly have the ternary operator syntax.

`%?%` <- function(x, y) list(x = x, y = y)
`%:%` <- function(xy, z) if(xy$x) xy$y else z

TRUE %?% rnorm(5) %:%
## [1]  0.05363141 -0.42434567 -0.20000319  1.31049766 -0.31761248
FALSE %?% rnorm(5) %:%
## [1] "Jan" "Feb" "Mar" "Apr" "May" "Jun" "Jul" "Aug" "Sep" "Oct" "Nov" "Dec"
# or, more generally
condition %?% value1 %:% value2

It actually works if you define the operators without the % signs, so you could have

`?` <- function(x, y) if(x) y[[1]] else y[[2]]
`:` <- function(y, z) list(y, z)

TRUE ? rnorm(5) :
## [1]  1.4584104143  0.0007500051 -0.7629123322  0.2433415442  0.0052823403
FALSE ? rnorm(5) :
## [1] "Jan" "Feb" "Mar" "Apr" "May" "Jun" "Jul" "Aug" "Sep" "Oct" "Nov" "Dec"

(This works because the precedence of : is lower than ?.)

Unfortunately, that then breaks the existing help and sequence operators.

Solution 3:

if works like unvectorised ifelse if used in following manner:

`if`(condition, doIfTrue, doIfFalse)

The advantage of using this over ifelse is when the vectorisation is in the way (i.e I have scalar boolean and list/vector things as a result)

ifelse(TRUE, c(1,2), c(3,4))
[1] 1
`if`(TRUE, c(1,2), c(3,4))
[1] 1 2

Solution 4:

Just as a prank, you can redefine the ? operator to (almost) work like the ternary operator (THIS IS A BAD IDEA):

`?` <- function(x, y) { y <-substitute(y); if(x) eval(y[[2]], parent.frame()) else eval(y[[3]], parent.frame()) }

x <- 1:3
length(x) ? (x*2) : 0
x <- numeric(0)
length(x) ? (x*2) : 0

for(i in 1:5) cat(i, (i %% 2) ? "Odd\n" : "Even\n")

... But you need to put the expressions in parentheses because the default precedence isn't like in C.

Just remember to restore the old help function when you're done playing:
